Pendaftaran Kumamoto University Spring Program 2018 baru saja dibuka, program ini akan diselenggarakan pada Bulan February 2018, Program ini diselenggarakan oleh College of Cross Cultural and Multidisiplinary Studies Kumamoto University. Deadline pendaftaran program ini adalah 1 November 2017, tersedia Beasiswa JASSO sebanyak 80.000 Yen yang bisa digunakan untuk membayar Program Fee. Info selengkapnya sebagai berikut:
Dear partners and associates,
We are pleased to inform you that we are now accepting applications for the Kumamoto University 2018 Spring Program. Details are as follows:
Japanese Course Theme: Japanese and Japanese Culture (Exploring Employment in Japan included) *The Japanese course will be conducted entirely in Japanese.
English Course Theme: Groundwater Systems and Environmental Sustainability
*The English Course will be conducted entirely in English.
【Program Dates】
Japanese Course: February 13, 2018 – February 22, 2018 (10 days)
English Course: February 27, 2018 – March 8, 2018 (10 days)
【Program Participants】
Japanese Course: 40 students
English Course: 40 students
【Eligibility Criteria】
・Participants must be undergraduate students currently enrolled at a university with which Kumamoto University has an agreement for academic or student exchange.
・Japanese language proficiency equal to or greater than JLPT N3 (only for Japanese Course)
・English language proficiency equal to or greater than IELTS level 5 (only for English Course)
・Participants must obtain travelers insurance in their home countries prior to departing for Japan.
【Program Fee】
Participation fee (Required): 80,000 Japanese Yen
○ includes accommodation, class fees, field trip fees, and breakfast.
× Does not include the cost of transportation to or from Japan, the cost of transportation within Japan, or the cost of meals (other than breakfast) during the program.
【How to pay】
*Participants of the Spring Program must pay 80,000 Japanese Yen by cash at the orientation of the program.
Participants who meet the necessary qualifications are eligible to receive a government scholarship worth 80,000 Japanese Yen, provided by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). Eligible students are those who meet the following criteria:
1) Only English Course students who are citizens of the following countries: Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Nepal, Cambodia.
2) GPA greater than or equal to 2.3 (calculated according to JASSO regulations)
3) Students may not receive any other scholarships for this program which exceed 80,000 Japanese Yen in total.
* Please note that there are a limited number of scholarships available, and they will be awarded based on the applicants’ GPA scores. The result will be sent to the person in charge of the partner universities.
【How to Apply】
Please compile all applications from your university and send them together via email to our KU Liaison Officer at ITS Surabaya (for Indonesia only) by October 27th,2017 (Fri) Application documents include the following:
1) Application Form
2) Photocopy of the first page of passport
3) Academic records from the previous year (only for students who wish to apply for a scholarship)
4) TOEFL ITP Min. 500 or IELTS MIn. 5 is highly recommended
It is our pleasure to have your students join our Spring Program.
We are confident that your students will enjoy their time at our university
and in Kumamoto, Japan.
Info lengkap mengenai kegiatan apa saja yang akan dilakukan peserta bisa dibaca di link berikut: sedangkan pamflet acara ini bisa dilihat di link berikut pamflet.
Note: Program ini bisa diikuti oleh mahasiswa yang berasal dari kampus-kampus yang memiliki kerjasama/partnership dengan Kumamoto University.