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Melalui e-mail ini perkenankanlah kami meminta tolong bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk berkenan menyebarluaskan informasi program IJEP Japanese Government Scholarship-Special Allocation 2016 Oct. Admission program untuk master dan doctoral course di bidang Computer Science and Electrical Engineering pada admission Oktober 2016 melalui berbagai media yang dimiliki oleh Bapak/Ibu (Website, Twitter, FB, mailing list, dll) sesuai informasi detail yang tersebut di bawah ini.
Bagi aplikan yang belum memiliki prospective Supervisor, silahkan dicek file terlampir dan diharapkan segera mengontak Professor yang bersangkutan.
Sebelumnya, saya ucapkan terima kasih atas segala perhatian dan kerjasama yang telah diberikan.
Hormat saya,
Mia Hernawati
Kumamoto University Liaison Office at ITS
Gedung Rektorat , Lt. 2 (Ruang International Office)
Kampus Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Sukolilo – Surabaya
Indonesia 60111
Ph. +62-31-596-6985
Fx. +62-31-596-6986
Find us at :
Dearest all,
Greetings from Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan.
We offer the special opportunity to apply for the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship to excellent candidates from Indonesia and Myanmar, who wish to study in Field of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. This program is designed as Master’s and Doctoral Courses of the International Joint Education Program for Science and Technology (IJEP), 2016 October admission. The main language used in the Program for classes and research instructions is English.
For more detail, please check from the following website;
Application deadline: February 26th, 2016* (Friday) before 12.00 wib via KU Liaison Office at ITS.
*Please note that the interview session should be finished at the time of application submission.
We would appreciate it if you could inform to the faculties, students at your university who have an interest to apply.
Please kindly contact your prospective Supervisor at KU regarding to your application as soon as possible.
For those who might dont have the prospective Professor yet, please kindly follow the attached file “How to Find Prospective Supervisor”.
Should you have any questions regarding this program, please do not hesitate to contact KU Liaison Officer (Ms. Mia Hernawati).
Thank you so much for your attention.
Mia Hernawati
Kumamoto University Liaison Office at ITS
Gedung Rektorat , Lt. 2 (Ruang International Office)
Kampus Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Sukolilo – Surabaya
Indonesia 60111
Ph. +62-31-596-6985
Fx. +62-31-596-6986
Find us at :