Informasi dari Ibu Mia Henawati, Kumamoto University Liaison Office at ITS

-Ketua dan staff International Office partner universities.
-Ketua dan anggota mahasiswa Indonesia di Kumamoto Jepang
– Alumni Kumamoto University
– Rekan dan Mahasiswa

Melalui e-mail ini perkenankanlah kami meminta tolong bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk berkenan menyebarluaskan informasi program Short-term Undergraduate Exchange Program untuk program S1 (diutamakan aplikan sedang berada di tahun ketiga) pada admission April 2017 melalui berbagai media yang dimiliki oleh Bapak/Ibu (Website, Twitter, FB, mailing list, dll) sesuai informasi detail yang tersebut di bawah ini.

Perlu kami sampaikan bahwa untuk program ini, JASSO Scholarship tidak tersedia.

Terima kasih atas segala dukungan dan kerjasamanya, untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, silahkan menghubungi officer KU Liaison Office at ITS.
Dear partner universities,
cc. Alumni of Kumamoto University

Greetings from Kumamoto University.

We are pleased to inform you that Kumamoto University Short Term Exchange Program Spring (April) 2017 is now opened for apply.

Please kindly check the details via online at:

The Application form is attached for your reference.

Important deadline dates for submission of application documents is as below:

April 2017 admission (spring) : November 28th,2016 (Monday) before 15.00 wib.

Please kindly be noticed that the JASSO scholarship is NOT offered for this program.

Period of participation:

6 (six) months, OR
12 (twelve) months

Please be aware that we can not accept application materials submitted directly from applicants.

The submission of documents should be sent directly to KU Liaison Office at ITS:
Gedung Dr. Angka, Lantai. 2
Kampus ITS – Sukolilo, Surabaya
Contact: 085100931258
(Especially for ITS, please submit via KU Liaison Office)

As for other partner universities, the applicant is allowed to submit their application to KU Liaison Office or managed via International Office staff at each university.

Please kindly disseminate the information to your students/friends.
It will be our great pleasure to have your students join us in KU.
We are confident that they will enjoy their time at KU and in Kumamoto City -Japan.

Mia Hernawati

Kumamoto University Liaison Office at ITS
Find us at :


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